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Noelle Federico

Noelle Federico Profile Photo


A lifelong learner, Noelle has dedicated the majority of her professional life to becoming a leader, a professional coach, and a seasoned results strategist. A published author and Certified Master Coach, Noelle is the CEO & Co-Founder of Staff Agency Com LLC. She is a certified Practitioner in Wiley Everything DiSC and The 5 Behaviors, a member of The John Maxwell Team and Dare to Lead trained. She is also the founder of A Generous Heart, a non-profit organization that supports youth literacy programs in local communities. Additionally, she is a member of the FORBES HR Council. She has more than three decades of executive experience across a variety of industries including corporate finance, operations, and communications. She hosts a weekly live stream, The Round Table Show on Friday afternoons and is the creator of The Working Coach Mom brand which has a collective reach of over 2.2 million people per month. Outside of work, Noelle can be found spending time drinking coffee and reading.

Jan. 2, 2024

Unleashing The Power of Mindset with Noelle Federico

Welcome to the Elite Recruiter Podcast, where we explore the strategies and insights that shape the world of elite recruitment. In today's episode, we'll be diving into the world of talent acquisition and leadership with none other than Noelle Federico, …

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