June 6, 2022
Episode 36 – Secrets of Sourcing with Jer Langhans from Paired Sourcing

In this episode of The Elite Recruiter Podcast, we have our guest Jer Langhans from Paired Sourcing to talk about sourcing as a service and where to find the talent right now? How to uplevel your recruiting and sourcing skill sets and the impact he makes as an advisor to multiple companies and helps them grow or successfully exit.
Some Highlights:
- The first time Jer Langhans has talked about his latest startup to help recruiters win
- How Jer has helped multiple companies grow as an advisor as well as 4 successful startup exits
- Where the talent is right now and how to find them
- Sourcing as a service and how they sprint on jobs
- What to do this year if you want to get better and make more placements
Jer Langhans LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jerlanghans/
Hirize - https://hirize.hr/
Paired Sourcing - https://www.pairedsourcing.com/
With your Host Benjamin Mena with Select Source Solutions: http://www.selectsourcesolutions.com/