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May 10, 2022

Episode 33 – Centralized Access To Every US Healthcare Professional with Heartbeat.AI and Ben Argeband

Episode 33 – Centralized Access To Every US Healthcare Professional with Heartbeat.AI and Ben Argeband

In this episode of The Elite Recruiter Podcast, we have our guest Ben Argeband who is the founder Heartbeat.AI and Swordfish and talks about how his team has centralized 11 million US Health Care Professionals with access to 8.8 million cell phone numbers, 9.3 million personal email addresses and 6 million direct dials

Special Gift from Heartbeat.AI and Swordfish.AI =

“If any listeners would like extra credits on a product demo just have them mention this podcast to our sales team, we'll chuck 500 extra credits their way! Applicable to both Heartbeat and Swordfish”

Some Highlights:

  • How they centralized all the information for the US Healthcare professionals
  • How he got started in focusing on the recruiting space
  • Best ways for Healthcare recruiters to attract and get a hold of top talent
  • Why now is the best time to level up your recruiting career


HeartBeat.AI -

 Swordfish.AI -


Fontaine Gagnard -

 My best email for any questions/outreach someone might want:

With your Host Benjamin Mena with Select Source Solutions:
