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Nov. 19, 2021

Episode 18 – How To Use Recruiting As a Tool to Build Wealth and a Real Estate Portfolio with Dandan Zhu

Episode 18 – How To Use Recruiting As a Tool to Build Wealth and a Real Estate Portfolio with Dandan Zhu

In this episode of the Elite Recruiter Podcast, I speak with Dandan Zhu the founder of DG Recruit a top Rec2Rec agency that helps Top Billers maximize their agencies careers. We also talk about how she is building wealth through her real estate portfolio.

Highlights that we talk about:

  • How she became a millionaire through recruiting and real estate.
  • How recruiting is one of the highest income careers you can choose and you how you can use it to create wealth.
  • How you can launch a successful career in recruiting what is the work that is needed to be a top biller.
  • How she started in real estate investing and how she built a portfolio to create passive income
  • How she helps top billers find the perfect fit.

Dandan Zhu LinkedIn:

DG Recruit:

Dandan Zhu’s Business Insider Interview becoming a millionaire by 30:

DG Recruit Podcast: